About me

I am a Meanjin-based multi-disciplinary artist, director and founder of independent theatre company The Drawer Productions.

I have been working in and around Brisbane theatre and the arts for the last five years. Passionate about the arts community, I immerse myself in exciting, contemporary and trans-disciplinary works as performer, director and regular patron.

I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Queensland University of Technology and have studied within many Brisbane theatre companies; from Incubator with PlayLab, Assembly with La Boite Theatre Company and Zen Zen Zo’s Creative Entrepreneur Internship. All after learning from a multitude of Brisbane performance ensembles in the early stages of my career.

I strive to share the wonder of being human in my work, in my collaborations and in my day-to-day routines. I am fascinated by the juicy, muddy, colour of humanity and hope to depict that joy in the words I write, the shows I direct and the artwork I create. I am dedicated to never stop learning in life and in my art.